There are two options for booking tickets for our shows.


Click on the links below to go through to Ticketsource where you can book your tickets online. You can have the tickets emailed to you and print them off yourself at no extra cost.


Call 0333 666 3366

The telephone Box Office is open Monday to Friday 9am – 7pm and Saturday 9am – 5pm, outside of these hours it is an answerphone and call back service.

Ticketsource charge £1.75 per telephone booking and your tickets will be posted to you. We still think this is pretty good value compared to the stamped addressed envelopes we used to request for posting out tickets!

The service is available via an 03 telephone number (Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as a normal landline number (i.e. 03 numbers cost the same to call as an 01 or 02 phone number) even from a mobile, or are completely free if the caller has free minutes.