‘The Female of the species is more deadly than the male!’ never was a saying more appropriate than when describing Kings Langley Players latest production Rope. The classic 1920s thriller, famously adapted for the screen by master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock, has now been given a fascinating twist. Its main characters Brandon and Granillo – who murder their friend for the thrill of it, hide the body in a chest and revel in their crime by holding a party with supper served from that very chest – are to be played by two young women.
‘We are lucky to have many terrific young actors – male and female – in the KLP’ said director Carolyne Bevan ‘and it would have been easy to cast it in the traditional way. But I was struck in the auditions with how much more intriguing and unsettling the story became when the killers were played by women. A shocking crime carried out by a bright and lovely duo whose pretty exterior hides chilling hearts of darkness. Tense, compelling and wickedly enthralling. Will their crime be kept a secret, or will their next encounter with a rope be the hangman’s noose?
Don’t miss it.
Rope will be presented at Kings Langley Community Centre from the 19th-21st October at 7:45pm. Tickets are available from the box office at or by calling 0333 666 3366.