Posted on: November 28, 2023 Posted by: Sally-Anne Rafferty Comments: 0

Interview with our Panto Director

Our director Craig Allen, was recently interviewed by our Newsletter editor, to find out a little more about the creative process behind Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood.

Panto is a huge commitment, you have a young family, so why did you say yes, when approached?
I’ve been part of local theatre since I was 10, so over 30 years……………. performing and directing is a
wonderful part of my life. Directing is a challenge and I love a challenge, seeing your drawings and scribbles come to life is always a brilliant experience.

What other “ambitious” productions have you directed? Wouldn’t you rather be in it?
I’ve previously directed The Hot Mikado and Allo Allo. I love performing but there’s something about being a director that is so appealing. I’m very creative and have so many ideas to put into practise. I’ve got various shows in my head and I know exactly what I would do to them to bring them to life. I always strive to get the best I can out of any situation and will always strive to give the audience the best show possible.

Robin Hood and The Babes in the Wood ????? Why this one, why this Author?
Choosing a Panto is never easy especially in this day and age, you have to find the right political balance. I
performed in a different version of Babes in the Wood when I was 15 and come on, who doesn’t love Robin Hood. The Disney Cartoon film when I grew up was always on repeat.
I chose this show as it was something that hadn’t been done for a while and he’s a character kids should know. Looking for the right script is always difficult, you have to read so many and I did. I feel this one really brings back the traditional Panto feel. It has great jokes, plenty of slapstick and I got to choose the song book which is always a nice bonus.

Who is your choreographer , sound person, set designer and builder, stage manager, general
dogsbody etc etc?

Me . . . Joking aside I do like to have control over a lot of elements in a show but you can never do it yourself. The set design is mine which is also a process I love. But we would be nowhere without Tony and his wonderful helpers Mickey, Robin, Gary, Valerie and Andrew. A great team has supported me, Barbara and Carolyne have organised costumes and of course mustn’t forget the props ladies , who have conjured up wonderful things for us. James is picking up Stage Management and I’m sure he will do a great job with it all ably assisted by Jamie. Naturally we have Ron on sound and lighting, pulling all the strings to create this wonderful show.

Who are your principals and why?
I personally feel we have one of the strongest Principal line ups in the local area, everyone lends themselves to the parts it truly is a wonderful mix of talent.

You have a chorus of thousands!! New members as well… how are the adults and children doing?
Everyone has been working really hard to bring my vision to life. The Adult chorus have taken on their various roles with aplomb…… one minute Peasants the next Merry Men. The kids have been great even if at times we’ve had to temper the Noise……… I mean over exuberance!

What songs have you chosen and why?
I’ve hopefully chosen songs that everyone knows and can tap their toes and even sing along to. I can’t forget the little ones in the audience, and so the songs will hopefully get them up cheering and joining in with us all!!

Finally Craig, why should our potential audience rush to buy tickets?
Why wouldn’t they! It’s such a great family show!! Life has been tough for so many over the last few years! So come on down enjoy yourself; laugh with us and laugh at us!! It really is a show to sit back and enjoy. It’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit and Pantomime is one of the oldest art forms in the world
Not only that, Christmas is about community, so come and support your local Community Theatre I promise you a wonderful evening.

Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood will be performed on the 7th-9th December at Kings Langley Community Centre.

Book your tickets NOW!
