Abigail’s Party cast blog 6
Behind the Scenes with Base Painting and Blocked Noses
So this week we have been working behind the scenes to get Abigail’s Party ready for the stage. We had a full set of crew at rehearsals this week and boy, were they an unhealthy bunch! All of them (including one cast member) were coughing and sneezing and probably ought to have been at home with their feet up. The common denominator I realised with all 4 coughers this week was that they all work in school/colleges and are suffering from the dreaded ‘back to school’ germs that bombard us all in September. Lets hope the rest of the cast don’t catch it. I know I’ve been eating plenty of veg to keep the vitamin intake up.
The set is also coming together nicely. Robin and Richard have been building a room divider which is coming on a treat, and Andrew and I gave the stage flats for the back of the set a base coat for white, ready for a lovely 70’s brown and retro wallpaper after we move in to the Community Centre next week.
As ever, there was a resounding lack of response from the rest of the group for to our plea to help with the painting, never the less we managed to get the job done.
So next week we move all our set and costumes into the Community Centre ready for preparing for our performances in less than three weeks time. Move in is a morning when we encourage all the group to get involved (whether you are directly involved with the show or not). Our studio is across the road a little way so we need to carry all the heavy stage flats, furniture, props and costume rail over to the Centre. It’s a case of many hands make light work and always a good opportunity to have a chat and a catch up with friends we may not have seen for a while. We may also build the stage thrust up if we need it and construct as much of the scenery as we can in the time given.
Meanwhile on stage we had that awful rehearsal this week that you always get when the books go down for the first time. Painful was not the word for it. We had all had a long week and were struggling with the dynamic last few minutes of the show. So the first thing we will be doing tomorrow night is that scene. Better stop typing this and start focussing on getting those lines and moves in my head….. Until next time.