Author: Sally-Anne Rafferty

Posted on: September 24, 2016 Posted by: Sally-Anne Rafferty Comments: 0

Abigail’s Party cast blog 5

Strange Dreams So we have all had those classic anxiety dreams in our lives – you know the ones, where you are trying to get to an important exam or meeting and just can’t manage to get there OK. If you are an actor you may be familiar with the dream about going on stage and not being able to remember your lines or what you are supposed to do.…

Posted on: September 21, 2016 Posted by: Sally-Anne Rafferty Comments: 0

Abigail’s Party cast blog 4

Learning lines So we are now three weeks into rehearsals and only two days away from our ‘books down’ date. For those of you not involved in theatre, ‘books down’ is the deadline the director sets for having learned all your lines so you can continue to rehearse without your scripts in your hands. ‘Three weeks of rehearsals and you haven’t learned your lines yet?’ I hear you say incredulously…

Posted on: September 19, 2016 Posted by: Sally-Anne Rafferty Comments: 0

Abigail’s Party cast blog 3

Finding Costumes The cast found their way to the costume studio on Sunday morning in search of suitable attire for the production. Those of you who know the KLP will be aware that we are lucky enough to have our own Studio space, built by the group themselves in the 1970’s which we use to build sets, store furniture and props and has it’s own Aladdin’s cave section dedicated to…

Posted on: September 13, 2016 Posted by: Sally-Anne Rafferty Comments: 0

Abigail’s Party cast blog 2

Getting in Character We had an interesting discussion at Saturdays rehearsal about our characters and how they felt about being at this awful drinks party. What was probably most interesting was the influence of the era on the characters lives and how that differs so much from what is expected of men and women today. Laurence is under pressure to provide for his social climbing wife who doesn’t work any…

Posted on: September 7, 2016 Posted by: Sally-Anne Rafferty Comments: 1

Abigail’s Party Cast Blog 1

So we have now all settled into rehearsals for Abigails Party and the first dilemmas are settling in. Characters are forming, lines are being learned but we have encountered a couple of dilemmas for the cast on stage – eating and smoking. We’ve all had to eat and drink on stage – indeed for our last production ‘Taming of the Shrew’ set in a modern day cafe we drank a…